31,000 sf lease, completion of tenant advocacy assignment. What does a “tenant advocate” bring to the process? What if you know the landlord? What if you […]
Facility suited for wide range of light industrial, service, and light distribution businesses. Located at Harlem/Clinton signalized intersection in West Seneca. Includes 999 Harlem and 2421 […]
2080 Military Road, Tonawanda, NY. Three craneways. Truck docks and grade doors. Excellent access to US-Canada border. Located at I-290 expressway for exceptional regional access. Call […]
Completed Buyer Advocacy assignment. 33,000 sf on 2.5 acre site. Off-market transaction. How did my client obtain the required results in this very tight industrial real […]
Dave, as subagent for a national broker, completed a tenant advocacy assignment for USP for expansion of its operations in the Buffalo area. The “Tenant Advocacy” […]
Modern, clean warehouse space also suitable for light assembly. Suitable for medical device assembly and distribution, pharmaceutical distribution, technical services, food and vending distributors, and many […]
57,000 sf warehouse industrial space for sublease. 500 Commerce Drive, Amherst, NY. Adjacent to additional 36,000 sf also for sublease. This space is suitable for clean […]
1110 Military Road at Ontario Street sold to out of town buyer. Dave’s marketing generated multiple prospects and three bidders. Sale price exceeded expectations. Call Dave […]