Buyer Advocacy Assignment: Expanding Industrial Sales & Service company challenged to find new home in very tight market.
Owner in market for 2 years.
Very few options.
Outbid by another company on previous opportunity.
Unable to efficiently operate in current, smaller facility
Multiple brokers “looking” but no one person responsible and accountable to the company’s owner
Dave formally engaged, in writing, by company’s owner. The agreement clearly articulated Dave’s fiduciary responsibilities and obligations to the company’s owner and fees for Dave’s work.
Identified all suitable buildings in the targeted areas.
Dave called the owners of the buildings and canvassed the submarkets door-to-door.
Identified building within four weeks.
Dave completed multiple transactions in the same submarket and two previous deals at the selected building: negotiated from strong, informed position.
Transaction completed at a slightly higher than comparable price level, but good solution in a very tight market.
For further information about understanding the market challenges, identifying off-market options, and completing a fair market transaction, call:
David L. Schiller SIOR